ETRA, Tokyo
See you again at the ETRA2025 in Tokyo – the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications.
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TeaP, Frankfurt
We are delighted to once again support and take part in the TeaP 2025 – the Conference of Experimental Psychologists.
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Succeet, Wiesbaden
We are looking forward to meeting you at the succeet25 in Wiesbaden – the Event for Corporate Market Research.
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ETRA, Tokyo
See you again at the ETRA2025 in Tokyo – the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications.
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TeaP, Frankfurt
We are delighted to once again support and take part in the TeaP 2025 – the Conference of Experimental Psychologists.
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Succeet, Wiesbaden
We are looking forward to meeting you at the succeet25 in Wiesbaden – the Event for Corporate Market Research.
Read more


What’s new about EyeLogic?
Please find below all releases about our latest developments.


We are excited to meet you and learn more about your projects.


We are thrilled to share that our cutting-edge eye tracking hardware is now fully integrated with PsychoPy (version 3.10), the widely used open-source platform for psychology and neuroscience experiments. This integration enables researchers to seamlessly incorporate EyeLogic’s advanced eye tracking capabilities into their PsychoPy workflows, expanding the possibilities for high-quality, real-time data collection.

With this update, users can now effortlessly synchronize eye tracking data with other experimental outputs, streamlining the research process and enhancing study accuracy.

For more details explore PsychoPy, or reach out to our team here!


We’re excited to announce a major new feature in the EyeLogic software! Starting with version 1.1.14, EyeLogic now supports real-time fixation detection.

This functionality is seamlessly integrated into the EyeLogic API for all supported programming languages (C++CC#, and Python). The API now provides immediate notifications when a user is fixating on a point or ends a fixation, enabling more dynamic and responsive eye-tracking applications.

To start using this feature, simply update your EyeLogic software to the latest version. You can download it here:

Unlock the potential of real-time fixation detection for research, user experience design, and beyond!


Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Lite, the latest screen-based eye tracking technology designed for research both in and outside the lab. You can instantly uncover visual behavior with its easy-to-use plug-and-play solution. With its compatibility with smaller laptop screens, you don’t have to sacrifice portability for performance.

At EyeLogic, we’re committed to making cutting-edge research tools accessible to everyone. That’s why we’re so excited to introduce Lite. We believe it will help drive new discoveries and insights across various fields and applications.

Contact us if you are ready to take your research to the next level!


The latest release of the EyeLogic server software provides new features. The main innovations are:

1. Dual-PC setup
The EyeLogic Server may now run on a different computer than the user application which enables test setups where the proband for an eye tracking study sits on a different PC than the experiment control operator.

2. Support for Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
The EyeLogic software is now integrated into Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) from the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience. LSL allows researchers to synchronize streaming data across devices.

There are more features, performance and compatibility improvements, as well as bug fixes. If you already have the software installed and want to use the new features, you can easily update it to the newest version. It is fully backward-compatible with clients using an older version.

Check it out on our download page.


Get into the season of giving by treating your lab with the new research companion – a screen-based eye tracker. Place your order until December 31 and secure your 20% discount on all products available.*

Contact us for more information!

*not stackable with other discounts

20% End-of-Year Sale


We are excited to meet you and learn more about your upcoming projects.


We are proud to  announce that EyeLogic is supporting the ETRA 2021 in Ulm with a sponsorship. ETRA 2021 welcomes scientists and practitioners of all disciplines in support of a common vision of moving eye tracking research and its application forward.

The 13th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) aims to bring together eye tracking researchers from Computer Science and Psychology/Cognitive Science under the motto Bridging Communities.

Find and visit us at the virtual event. We are excited and looking forward to meet you at the event!

We have set up two webinars accompanying the ETRA. Join one of our sessions to learn more about how our new research-grade eye tracking device can be used for experiments in cognitive science and computer science.


EyeLogic attends the first virtual conference in 2021. The TeaP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists) can be found at

Happy to get in contact of eye tracking users to get more insight in everyday experiments and usage of biometrical devices such as our remote eye tracker, LogicOne.

May 26-29, 2025
Tokyo, Japan


March 9-12, 2025
Frankfurt, Germany


Feb 12-13, 2025
Wiesbaden, Germany


Feb 12-13, 2025
Wiesbaden, Germany

CX Summit


Die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr ist ein zentrales Anliegen moderner Fahrzeugtechnologie. DMS oder Driver Monitoring System (Fahrerüberwachungssystem) ist eine Technologie, die die Aufmerksamkeit und den Zustand des Fahrers überwacht und sich vor allem auf die Erkennung von Ablenkung und Schläfrigkeit konzentriert. Mithilfe von infrarot Kameras überwachen diese Systeme Augenbewegungen, Kopfhaltung und andere Indikatoren, um sicherzustellen, dass der Fahrer aufmerksam und konzentriert bleibt. Werden Anzeichen von Unaufmerksamkeit oder Müdigkeit erkannt, kann das System den Fahrer warnen oder korrigierende Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen.

In den letzten zehn Jahren haben sich Fahrerüberwachungssysteme von einem exklusiven Angebot für Premium-Fahrzeuge zu einem wesentlichen und unverzichtbaren Sicherheitsmerkmal entwickelt. Weltweit haben Gesetzgeber und einflussreiche Organisationen ihre Bedeutung für die Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit erkannt. Die USA, die EU und China befinden sich in verschiedenen Stadien der Umsetzung von Vorschriften, die Fahrerüberwachungssysteme zur Verhinderung von Ablenkung und Schläfrigkeit des Fahrers vorschreiben, was den Vorstoß zur Ausstattung aller neuen Personenkraftwagen mit DMS-Technologie beschleunigt.

Die EyeLogic GmbH steht mit ihrer spezialisierten Technologie, die das Blickverhalten von Fahrern unter verschiedenen Bedingungen analysiert, an vorderster Front dieser Entwicklung. Mit dem Potenzial, ein führender Anbieter im Fahrercockpit zu werden, ist EyeLogic bereit, die Zukunft der DMS-Technologie aktiv mitzugestalten und so zu einem globalen Standard in der Automobilindustrie beizutragen.

Für weitere Informationen und Medienanfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Kontaktieren Sie uns unter


EyeLogic, eines der weltweit führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Eye Tracking Hard- und Software, setzt neue Maßstäbe in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung. Unsere fortschrittliche Technologie wird weltweit von Forschenden eingesetzt, die grundlegende psychologische Prozesse und die Funktionsweise von Geist und Gehirn (Mind and Brain) untersuchen.

Unser Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Unterstützung von Forschenden, die unsere hochpräzisen Messsysteme in der akademischen Verhaltensforschung einsetzen. Ihr Ziel ist es, den menschlichen Geist und sein Verhalten zu erforschen und besser zu verstehen. Auf dieser Grundlage liefern unsere Kunden wertvolle Informationen, die zum Wissen über psychologische und neurologische Verhaltensweisen und Krankheiten beitragen. Oberste statistische Voraussetzung ist die Reproduzierbarkeit der erzielten Forschungsergebnisse, daher legt EyeLogic großen Wert auf die hohe Produkt- und Datenqualität seiner Messsysteme.

EyeLogic freut sich, die Veröffentlichung unserer neuesten Software, InsightLab, bekannt zu geben. InsightLab bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Plattform für das Design und die Durchführung komplexer psychologischer und neurowissenschaftlicher Experimente. Es ermöglicht unseren Kunden, in ihrem eigenen EyeLogic-Ökosystem zu bleiben, ohne auf externe Tools angewiesen zu sein, und bietet dennoch die Flexibilität, die für vielseitige Anwendungen erforderlich ist. InsightLab wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden in der Verhaltensforschung entwickelt. Mit dieser Software können Forschende psychologische Kontexte definieren und standardisierte oder randomisierte Versuchsabläufe erstellen. Darüber hinaus unterstützt InsightLab die Integration und gleichzeitige Messung mehrerer biometrischer Systeme wie Eyetracking, EEG und GSR. Dies ermöglicht unseren Kunden tiefere Einblicke und einen multimodalen Einsatz.

Mit InsightLab setzt EyeLogic neue Standards in der Forschungstechnologie und bietet eine umfassende Lösung für die anspruchsvollen Bedürfnisse der wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft.
Für weitere Informationen und Medienanfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Kontaktieren Sie uns unter


Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Lite, the latest screen-based eye tracking technology designed for research both in and outside the lab. You can instantly uncover visual behavior with its easy-to-use plug-and-play solution. With its compatibility with smaller laptop screens, you don’t have to sacrifice portability for performance.

At EyeLogic, we’re committed to making cutting-edge research tools accessible to everyone. That’s why we’re so excited to introduce Lite. We believe it will help drive new discoveries and insights across various fields and applications.

Contact us if you are ready to take your research to the next level!


The latest release of the EyeLogic server software provides new features. The main innovations are:

1. Dual-PC setup
The EyeLogic Server may now run on a different computer than the user application which enables test setups where the proband for an eye tracking study sits on a different PC than the experiment control operator.

2. Support for Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
The EyeLogic software is now integrated into Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) from the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience. LSL allows researchers to synchronize streaming data across devices.

There are more features, performance and compatibility improvements, as well as bug fixes. If you already have the software installed and want to use the new features, you can easily update it to the newest version. It is fully backward-compatible with clients using an older version.

Check it out on our download page.


Get into the season of giving by treating your lab with the new research companion – a screen-based eye tracker. Place your order until December 31 and secure your 20% discount on all products available.*

Contact us for more information!

*not stackable with other discounts

20% End-of-Year Sale


New office, new chapter! As we at EyeLogic keep growing, we needed a little more space. Our new home is now Schlesische Str. 28, 10997 Berlin.

EyeLogic Office


With the new release of our driver software, we have extended our SDK for new programming languages. New key features are:

* Added a Matlab API to the SDK
* Added a C# API to the SDK
* Added support for E-Prime 3

There are more performance- and compatibility improvements as well as bug fixes. If you already have the software installed and want to use the new features, you can easily update it to the newest version.


Webinar May 2021 – Integration Showcase

EyeLogic is a German hard- and software manufacturer of eye and gaze tracking systems for academic and applied applications. Our screen-based eye tracking solution natively integrates with SMI Experiment Suite 360° software but can also be used with multiple other software frameworks.

We have set up two webinars accompanying this year´s ETRA. Join one of our sessions to learn more about how our new research-grade eye tracking device can be used for experiments in cognitive science and computer science. Looking forward to your participation!

Register now!


We are excited to meet you and learn more about your upcoming projects.


We are proud to  announce that EyeLogic is supporting the ETRA 2021 in Ulm with a sponsorship. ETRA 2021 welcomes scientists and practitioners of all disciplines in support of a common vision of moving eye tracking research and its application forward.

The 13th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) aims to bring together eye tracking researchers from Computer Science and Psychology/Cognitive Science under the motto Bridging Communities.

Find and visit us at the virtual event. We are excited and looking forward to meet you at the event!

We have set up two webinars accompanying the ETRA. Join one of our sessions to learn more about how our new research-grade eye tracking device can be used for experiments in cognitive science and computer science.


EyeLogic attends the first virtual conference in 2021. The TeaP (Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists) can be found at

Happy to get in contact of eye tracking users to get more insight in everyday experiments and usage of biometrical devices such as our remote eye tracker, LogicOne.

May 26-29, 2025
Tokyo, Japan


March 9-12, 2025
Frankfurt, Germany


Feb 12-13, 2025
Wiesbaden, Germany


Feb 12-13, 2025
Wiesbaden, Germany

CX Summit

July 3-5, 2024
Porto, Portugal



What ́s new about EyeLogic?
Please find below all the news about our latest developments.

Latest – 02.12.2024

Eye Tracking in Neuromarketing: Unlocking Consumer Insights

In today’s competitive marketing landscape, understanding consumer behavior has become essential for crafting impactful designs. Neuromarketing, an interdisciplinary field combining neuroscience, psychology, and marketing, has emerged as a powerful tool to decode consumer decision-making processes. Among the techniques used in neuromarketing, eye tracking stands out as a non-invasive yet insightful method to measure visual attention and gaze behavior.

This blog post explores the role of eye tracking in neuromarketing, its advantages, and its applications across industries, demonstrating why it is shaping the future of advertising …


What ́s new about EyeLogic?
Please find below all the news about our latest developments.

Understanding fatigue in driving and how eye tracking can help

Driving is a daily routine for millions worldwide, but it also comes with inherent risks, especially when fatigue sets in …

ET Visualizations: Everything you need to know about them

Visualizations of eye tracking data are crucial for interpreting and understanding the patterns of visual attention and gaze behavior …

The Use of Eye Tracking Technology in Clinical and Medical Research

Eye tracking technology has become an increasingly important tool in clinical and medical research since it provides valuable …

What is cognitive psychology, and how to use eye tracking for it?

According to American Psychological Association (APA), cognitive psychology is one of the principal subfields of psychology …

Visual Attention

Since the 19th century, the study of visual attention has been the center of the investigation for some of the greatest thinkers …

Eye tracking literature worth reading

The use of eye tracking technology is becoming more widespread across research disciplines as it provides ‘real-time’ insights into …

Choosing the right eye tracking sampling frequency

The first thing to understand when deciding on the eye tracking device is the operating unit of measure and sampling rate in …

What is calibration and why we need it?

Our eyes mirror our world since they are the medium through which the acquirement of surrounding information in …

Pupil Responses as Indicators of Cognitive Load

Seeing is an integral part of our interaction with the environment. Our eye movements do not only allow us to inspect objects of interest …

Facts about Fixations and Saccades

One of the most efficient means of obtaining information from our surroundings is through eye fixations …

The History Behind Eye Tracking

Although eye tracking is categorized as modern technology, its origins date back to the 19th century …

Introduction To Eye Tracking

As the name suggests, eye tracking is the physiological system of measuring eye movements to allow a deeper understanding of …