EyeLogic SDK
def | check_bool (result, func, args) |
| GazeSampleCallback = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(ELGazeSample)) |
| callback function type, new gaze samples
| EventCallback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_int32) |
| callback function type, event occurred
| EyeImageCallback = CFUNCTYPE(None, POINTER(ELEyeImage)) |
| callback function type, new eye image
| libname = os.path.join("x64", "ELCApi") |
| baseDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) |
| libnameGlobal = os.path.join(baseDir, libname + ".dll") |
| kernel32 = WinDLL('kernel32', use_last_error=True) |
| errcheck |
| restype |
| argtypes |
| c_libH = kernel32.LoadLibraryExW(libnameGlobal, None, 0x00000008) |
| c_lib = WinDLL(libname, handle=c_libH) |
| ELInvalidValue = c_double.in_dll(c_lib, "ELCInvalidValue").value |
| marker for an invalid double value
This module contains the python prototype declaration for all functions which are neccessary to control the EyeLogic software from an API client.
def __init__(self, mmBelowScreen, mmTrackerInFrontOfScreen)
Definition: ELApi.py:375
def __init__(self, deviceSerial)
Definition: ELApi.py:420
ReturnConnect connectRemote(self, ServerInfo server)
initialize connection to a remote server (method is blocking until connection established)
Definition: ELApi.py:226
contains an eye image at a specific time
Definition: ELApi.py:91
connection information for an EyeLogic server
Definition: ELApi.py:210
whether the device is for DEMO use only, not for public sale
Definition: ELApi.py:428
(ReturnNextData, ELGazeSample) getNextGazeSample(self, c_int timeoutMillis)
Obtains the next unread gazeSample or blocks until a new GazeSample is received or the given timeout ...
Definition: ELApi.py:541
def abortCalibValidation(self)
abort a running calibration / validation
Definition: ELApi.py:639
ReturnConnect connect(self)
initialize connection to the server (method is blocking until connection established).
Definition: ELApi.py:203
def unrequestTracking(self)
unrequest tracking
Definition: ELApi.py:608
def registerEventCallback(self, EventCallback eventCallback)
registers event callback listener
Definition: ELApi.py:178
def __del__(self)
Definition: ELApi.py:153
return values of connect( )
Definition: ELApi.py:187
ReturnSetActiveScreen setActiveScreen(self, str id, DeviceGeometry deviceGeometry)
Make a screen connected to this machine to the active screen.
Definition: ELApi.py:400
def calibrate(self, c_int calibrationModeInd)
perform calibration (method is blocking until calibration finished)
Definition: ELApi.py:632
main class for communication with the EyeLogic server
Definition: ELApi.py:138
name of the device
Definition: ELApi.py:424
return values of requestTracking( )
Definition: ELApi.py:576
ELInvalidValue or y-coordinate of stimulus point position.
Definition: ELApi.py:678
ELInvalidValue or mean deviation of left eye gaze direction in [deg] in the 3-D world system.
Definition: ELApi.py:684
def registerGazeSampleCallback(self, GazeSampleCallback sampleCallback)
registers sample callback listener
Definition: ELApi.py:158
ELInvalidValue or mean deviation between right eye POR and stimulus position in [px] in the stimulus ...
Definition: ELApi.py:687
def __init__(self, str clientName)
Definition: ELApi.py:144
serial number
Definition: ELApi.py:422
contains all information about the state of the eyes at a specific time
Definition: ELApi.py:53
name of the license owner
Definition: ELApi.py:426
Events coming from the eye tracker.
Definition: ELApi.py:77
ELInvalidValue or mean deviation of right eye gaze direction in [deg] in the 3-D world system.
Definition: ELApi.py:690
Number of validation points.
Definition: ELApi.py:700
list of supported frame rates
Definition: ELApi.py:430
return values of streamEyeImages( )
Definition: ELApi.py:467
distance of eye tracker below the bottom line of the screen [mm]
Definition: ELApi.py:377
def registerEyeImageCallback(self, EyeImageCallback eyeImageCallback)
registers eye image callback listener
Definition: ELApi.py:168
return values of setActiveScreen( )
Definition: ELApi.py:382
return values of calibrate( )
Definition: ELApi.py:615
ELInvalidValue or mean deviation between left eye POR and stimulus position in [px] in the stimulus p...
Definition: ELApi.py:681
ELInvalidValue or x-coordinate of stimulus point position.
Definition: ELApi.py:676
[ServerInfo] requestServerList(self, c_int32 blockingDurationMS, c_int32 maxNumServer)
Ping all running EyeLogic servers in the local network and wait some time for their response.
Definition: ELApi.py:249
return values of getNextEvent( ), getNextGazeSample( ) and getNextEyeImage( )
Definition: ELApi.py:489
def __init__(self)
Definition: ELApi.py:212
geometric position of the device related to the active monitor
Definition: ELApi.py:370
(ReturnNextData, ELEyeImage) getNextEyeImage(self, c_int timeoutMillis)
Obtains the next unread eye image or blocks until a new eye image is received or the given timeout is...
Definition: ELApi.py:567
def disconnect(self)
closes connection to the server
Definition: ELApi.py:271
configuration of the eye tracker
Definition: ELApi.py:417
vertical physical dimension of the screen [mm]
Definition: ELApi.py:301
ReturnStart requestTracking(self, c_int frameRateModeInd)
request tracking
Definition: ELApi.py:598
ReturnStreamEyeImages streamEyeImages(self, c_bool enable)
Enabled/disables eye image stream.
Definition: ELApi.py:481
Definition: ELApi.py:696
configuration of the stimulus screen
Definition: ELApi.py:285
port of server
Definition: ELApi.py:216
IP address of server as 0-terminated string.
Definition: ELApi.py:214
whether this screen is connected to the local PC
Definition: ELApi.py:289
distance of front panel of the eye tracker in front of the screen[mm]
Definition: ELApi.py:379
(ReturnNextData, ELEvent) getNextEvent(self, c_int timeoutMillis)
Obtains the next unread event or blocks until a new event occurs or the given timeout is reached.
Definition: ELApi.py:515
bool isConnected(self)
whether a connection to the server is established
Definition: ELApi.py:278
DeviceConfig getDeviceConfig(self)
get configuration of actual eye tracker device
Definition: ELApi.py:436
Name of the screen.
Definition: ELApi.py:293
ID of the screen.
Definition: ELApi.py:291
horizontal physical dimension of the screen [mm]
Definition: ELApi.py:299
Definition: ELApi.py:673
screen Y resolution [px]
Definition: ELApi.py:297
screen X resolution [px]
Definition: ELApi.py:295
def __init__(self)
Definition: ELApi.py:287
[ScreenConfig] getAvailableScreens(self)
Get a list of screens connected to the local machine.
Definition: ELApi.py:338
list of supported calibration methods (number of shown points)
Definition: ELApi.py:432
return values of validate( )
Definition: ELApi.py:644
ScreenConfig getActiveScreen(self)
get stimulus screen configuration
Definition: ELApi.py:305
(ReturnValidate, ValidationResult) validate(self)
perform calibration (method is blocking until calibration finished) - calibration must be performed p...
Definition: ELApi.py:708